Say Goodbye to Mold Growth

Trust us to provide fungus remediation services

If you have fungus in your home, call Cal Valley Termite to get rid of it. We're your go-to company because we test for and remove fungus. When you need fungus removal and remediation, you can count on us to take care of everything.

We are fully licensed, insured and bonded. You can count on us for top-notch customer service throughout the entire fungus remediation process and our other services.

Contact us today to sign up for fungus remediation.

Fungus Control, Live Oak, CA

Keep yourself safe by getting fungus removed

Our trained professionals can take care of the surface fungus in your home. In many cases, a small leak in your drain line can lead to water staining and fungus growth.

The white staining in your drains, walls or sink is the actual fungus. We will scrape it down with a wire brush and spray with fungicide.

Call now to learn more about the fungus removal process.