Meet Your Local Exterminator

Meet Your Local Exterminator

Providing quality termite control services in Live Oak, CA

Cal Valley Termite specializes in termite inspections and treatments in Live Oak, CA. You can trust our licensed and skilled exterminators to eliminate pesky termites for good. With a strong commitment to our community and a focus on exceptional customer service, we'll complete your service right the first time.

Call now to schedule your service with our exterminator.

Why should you trust our exterminator?

We're not afraid of termites, and it shows in our work. When you hire us for termite control services, you're hiring a team that:

  • Is highly trained, educated and experienced.
  • Places our customers' needs at the forefront.
  • Values the community - come bowl with us!
  • Builds a lasting relationship with our clients.

We use state-of-the-art drone technology and advanced methods to remove pesky termites from your home. Don't settle for a mediocre service. Contact our team today to set up your appointment.